Tupidanthus calyptratus, commonly known as the "Black Grandidier's Baobab," is a unique and relatively rare tree species. Here are five bullet points about Tupidanthus calyptratus:
Endemic to Madagascar: Tupidanthus calyptratus is native to Madagascar, an island nation in the Indian Ocean. It is part of Madagascar's unique and diverse flora.
Baobab Family: Although it is not a true baobab, Tupidanthus calyptratus belongs to the same family as baobabs, the Malvaceae family. It shares some similarities with baobabs in terms of its appearance and growth habit.
Distinctive Appearance: This tree is characterized by its thick, bottle-shaped trunk, which can reach heights of up to 15 meters (49 feet). The trunk is dark brown to black, and it has a unique appearance that sets it apart from other trees.
Leaves and Flowers: Tupidanthus calyptratus produces large, digitate leaves with up to seven leaflets. It also produces conspicuous, showy yellow flowers. The tree is deciduous, shedding its leaves during the dry season.